

I've been reading a lot about Kindle, Amazon's exciting new e-reader type device, and the same thing comes to mind every time a new e-book type device hits the market. Who cares?

I've read several books in electronic format. On a PDA, or on my laptop or (on one occasion) on the screen of an ipod nano, broken into chapters. The major reason any of these things happened? They only required a device I already owned, that did something else useful.

Am I going to pay 400 bucks to read blogs (only some blogs) in black and white on something that looks more or less like a speak and spell spray-painted white? Not when, for the same price, I can get something (still unforgivably restricted but) able to do substantially more (ipod touch anyone?)

I get that the idea of an e-reader is attractive. I understand the appeal. But if something is supposed to supplant the physical book, it should probably be a cross-over device. If carrying the book is too much hassle for someone, carrying a heavier electronic version is probably unlikely. [EDIT: I was wrong, it's actually pretty light]

The display technology has a lot of applications, but not in multi-media. It's more or less only functional for print.

No one wants to carry a device that can only deal with print, when you consider the other options available.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why you are wrong:

1) WRT to reading books, electronic devices have many advantages that I assume you accept. Only book hippies who need to smell the dead trees disagree.

2) The big trick that makes the difference with eBook readers in particular is ePaper. The reflective properties of this stuff make it way more readable, especially outside, than an LCD screen (Phone, PDA, Laptop).

3) Power consumption. Largely due to the above, the power consumption is way lower, and therefore I'm not as concerned about battery death.

4) Wireless! Since we don't have ubiquitous Wireless internet yet, Cellphone nets are way better as a short term measure. Being able to browse libraries and download new blogs without trying to find an open hotspot is gold. The fact that it's free is even better.

Unfortunately, as Whispernet is not available in Canada, that kind of ruins the major selling point of this device. Also, it's ugly as fuck. seriousry.