
ad commentary.

Nissan has an interesting idea here, so many kudos to the agency that came up with it. Surprisingly cheap to create a couple hundred thousand phony keys, and lose them in public spaces.

The cynic in me is wondering about the amount of waste which, though negligible in comparison with a lot of industries, seems somewhat unnecessary for a guerrilla-esque campaign such as this. Nine Inch Nails has come up with one of the most interesting virals I have heard of, but they manage to leave something behind in restrooms that people will keep (usb thumbdrives with music on them). This seems like a fair amount of waste for what will likely be a 30 second interaction with the key, it's message, and possibly one or two repeats to friends.

At the same time, it's a great idea, and that 30 seconds and two conversations, if even half the keys are picked up, is well, well worth the hundred grand.

[found via Agenda Inc.]

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